Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sub Zero's Sledding Adventure

So last year the family went sledding at the nearby sledding hill.  Sub Zero loves to sled.  At four years old this was not one of her finest moments...

The Wedding Weekend

So I went to a wedding in Georgia.  The morning before the wedding we played golf at this really nice course.  I was told by the caddy that this sand trap is the largest in the state.  Way cool.

No caddy, I don't need my pitching wedge, just get me my camera out of the golf cart...

Family Vacation

Can you guess where we were???


Sparky's Salsa

My friend says that my salsa is the best around.  He even wants to start a company and start distributing it.  Well that is nice but be serious...

In any event, I wanted to post the recipe because it really is not a secret and I too think that it's a really good recipe.  However, this is not for everyone.  This is a very spicy salsa...

Sparky's Salsa

Lots of Hot Peppers (all that you can find at the farmers market) (I suggest you find a few of these:  JalapeƱo, Serrano, Cayenne,Tabasco, Thai, Rocoto (Cherry Bombs), Habanero, Anaheim)
Some Garlic cloves (grown in the garden)
Tomatoes (Romas or farmer's market tomatoes work best)
1 Yellow Onion
1/3 Cup of Brown Sugar (This is the key ingredient.  First you taste the sweet, then you get the fire.  Best of all, you just can't stop eating it)
1/2 of a small can of tomato paste

Here is what you do:

Finely grind up all the peppers in a Cuisinart (or something of that ilk).  The more peppers you put in the more people are going to love your salsa or hate your salsa.  Dice the onion.  Dice the tomatoes.  Mince the garlic.  Put everything into a big pot and boil it for about 15-20 minutes.  Let cool.  Jar.  Refrigerate.  Enjoy!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Beads are cool

Some of my works and supplies.

Steep and Deep

I like the bumps but steep and deep works too...

Way Cool

I was at the museum the other day with the girls.  While they were off running around, I snapped this shot of the architecture.  Way cool eh?

A Big Bass

So I claimed that I have a fishing rod.  I do.  This is one that I pulled out of the lake this summer.  I was said to be the biggest seen in a while.  I was stoked for sure.  Can I get a witness!  Daddy loves to fish.  So do the girls when they don't have to go to the bathroom.

Finkle is going to get her hair done too

This is more Finkle's style.

Chimbut's new doo

Chimbut saw this new hair style at the fair.  I say you go girl.

The State Fair Rules

I love the State Fair.  I go to see the rabbits and  the fowl.  I also go to see if the biggest pig in the swine barn is over 1,000 lbs. every year.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tootsie Roll Pop Wrappers

Did you know that if you get a full Indian shooting an arrow at a star on a Tootsie Roll Pop wrapper, you get a free one, from someone, somewhere, sometime?
But it has to be a full Indian.  Partials don't count.
Finkle got this one yesterday. It was her first.  She is looking for her payday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

JPL for Bean

Thank you to JPL (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/) or whomever for this totally cool picture of Saturn.  Bean will be working for JPL one day.  Bean was thinking like a fifteen-year-old at the age of five.  If I need her to Bean could balance my checkbook .  Bean will go to MIT someday (or Cal Tech).  I'm sure a job will be waiting for Bean at JPL.  Go get 'em sweetie.

The Girls

I have four daughters, a wife and a fishing pole.  Chimbut is my wife.  Bean is my oldest.  T Kat is my second.  Sub Zero comes next. Finkle is my baby and she is still not potty trained.  However, Finkle does know how to draw all over the house with permanent markers. 

Off to the zoo with Finkle...